


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Marshall Frank's blog 

I just posted this on Marshall Frank's blog, and I am worried he will delete it, so I am reprinting it here: "Marshall has never seen the Mainstream Media turn such a Blind eye to steal an election? Rachel Maddow showed the Ohio county officials who the Repub. Secretary of State, may be firing, because they, along with their Repub. county election officials, allowed early voting on weekends in 2008, and in the recent primary, and had already voted to continue the practice in 2012. One of the Dem officials said he was standing with his Repub counterpart, in 2008, watching the long line of voters already forming to vote early on the weekend, and the REPUBLICAN had a tear in his eye, and said: "that's what America is all about." Marshall, do you really think Obama stole the election? In all those states? Do you really think poor people are that powerful? Coming from such a hapless family, I can assure you that most "disadvantaged" people "shoot themselves" in the foot, and are NOT the "evil conspirators" you imagine them to be. On the other hand, 9 states where Repubs took over, have made new laws making abortion illegal even in the case of rape and/or incest. And 30 TeaParty Repubs jumped into the Sea of Galilee after dinner, after finally, after 3 months in 2011, refusing to vote to raise the debt ceiling, and we just hear about it NOW? Did Fox report on that? "

posted by news2notice  # 7:46 AM

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

From the 6-10-2010 Rolling Stone article by Matt Taibbi: The 5 biggest U.S banks, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, etc. are more than 90% of the Over-the-Counter-Derivatives Market, where swaps of all sizes are traded, since 2000, when Congress deregulated the derivatives market. This market is now 100 times bigger than the federal budget, and 20 times larger than both the stock market and GDP. Unregulated derivatives sank AIG, Leman Bros., and Greece, in 2008. To reform: derivatives must be traded on open exchanges and "cleaned" thru a 3rd party.

posted by news2notice  # 1:33 AM


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