


Wednesday, May 31, 2006

http://www.smow.org/menu.asp?id=3QKYPMSSUB This has a sermon by Father Leo T. Mahon, very pertinent to today.

Following is a poem he recommends, by Elizabeth A. Johnson:

“This is My Body, my Blood”

All the way to Elizabeth
and in the months afterward,
she wove him, pondering,
“This is my body, my blood.”

Beneath the watching eyes
of donkey, ox, and sheep
she rocked him, crooning,
“This is my body, my blood.”

In the moonless desert flight
and the Egypt-days of his growing
she nourished him, singing
“This is my body, my blood.”

In the search for her young lost boy
and the foreboding day of his leaving
she let him go, knowing,
“This is my body, my blood.”

Under the blood-smeared cross
she rocked his mangled bones,
remembering him, moaning,
“This is my body, my blood.”

When darkness, stones, and tomb
bloomed to Easter morning,
she ran to him, shouting,
“this is my body, my blood.”

And no one thought to tell her:
“Woman, it is not fitting
for you to say those words.
You don’t resemble him.”

Elizabeth A. Johnson
“This is my body, my blood.”

Beneath the watching eyes
of donkey, ox, and sheep
she rocked him, crooning,
“This is my body, my blood.”

In the moonless desert flight
and the Egypt-days of his growing
she nourished him, singing
“This is my body, my blood.”

In the search for her young lost boy
and the foreboding day of his leaving
she let him go, knowing,
“This is my body, my blood.”

Under the blood-smeared cross
she rocked his mangled bones,
remembering him, moaning,
“This is my body, my blood.”

When darkness, stones, and tomb
bloomed to Easter morning,
she ran to him, shouting,
“this is my body, my blood.”

And no one thought to tell her:
“Woman, it is not fitting
for you to say those words.
You don’t resemble him.”

Elizabeth A. Johnson

posted by news2notice  # 3:50 PM

Saturday, May 27, 2006

1-20-06, Walter Williams of George Mason University’s column in the pbp or stuart news, asserted: “the Constitution contains no authority for Congress to grant favors and special privileges.

Nobel laureate Friedrich Hayek, said if he could write one law tht would get government out of our lives, it would be: Whatever Congress does for one American, it must do for all Americans”

posted by news2notice  # 12:27 PM
I feel a responsibility to my creator, to be a steward of the Earth, wherever I live on it. Governor Jeb Bush created a new bureaucracy to hand out $300 million of public funds to Scripps, a private enterprise, which could have been used to buy land for overloaded Lake Okeechobee to flow South; the Intelligent Design. Is Jeb still also giving $55 million to promote space travel? Of the people's money? He's had 7 years, with his Repubs a majority? The Republican Party philosophy always claims to improve what is already there; no big government dictating drastic changes. $735 million, I think, was in Jeb's reply to me, about the total in his final budget he was investing of public money into HiTech. How is that Conservative? How is it respectful of Life to entice so many people and all the water, roads, sewage treatment, schools, etc., they require, onto an ancient coral reef covered with swamp? When there are older cities all over this "one nation, under God", that have all that existing
infrastructure in place, that make better sense as population centers? WWJD ?

posted by news2notice  # 12:04 PM
My commentary on S.V Date’s article in the PalmBeachPost,5-26-06 (There's an accent mark over the "a" in his name)

Gov. Jeb Bush vetoed: $16,830 for educating disabled children in Neptune Beach and $65.5 million to increase Medicaid rates for nursing homes. “...what you do for the least of my brethren, you do for Me”, comes to mind.

Also vetoed: $20 million for Jackson Memorial, a teaching hospital for the University of Miami. State Senator Villalobos, who was against Jeb’s school vouchers, wanted that.

Another veto: $55,000 for volunteer firefighter equipment, and $100,266 for a training program for the blind. A different Repub senator, also against Jeb’s vouchers, asked for those.

Jeb Bush “denied that vetoes of critics’ projects were retribution. But “acknowledged, though, that he thought it appropriate to reward his allies”. “'It’s how the process works'”, the Guv said . “'Without that, it would be difficult to create a sense of team. On the margins, there are chances to be able to reward team members for a job well done.'” But "one nation, under
God" should be in the state constitution?

“Locally, Bush cut more than $15 million for water, transportation and community redevelopment projects..., including $5 million for the Treasure Coast Regional Biosolids Management Facility...” That sounds like sewage treatment. For all the Biotech, Hi-tech, Space travel folks he wants to come to FL. Who will have to get in a gas-guzzling vehicle to go to an airport, because Jeb doesn't want to pay for trains either? But $300,000,000.00 for Scripps, and more to come for other "High tech" ventures?

“...after adjusting for inflation and a population that increased by a full fifth, Bush’s final budget still spends 12.4% more per Floridian than (Democrat Lawton) Chiles’ final budget (Jeb’s predecessor) But did you want a tax holiday for school and/or
hurricane supplies, or some basic, for the Common Good infrastructure?

posted by news2notice  # 7:38 AM

Friday, May 26, 2006

Wow, I guess we haven't been in FL long enough to appreciate Jeb. Seven whole days without electricity was a shock. 2 days had been the Max in 33 years in IL; is that a "Lefty" state? "United we stand", right?
The St.Lucie River is so filty, kids shouldn't even wade in it? 2 filth-filled waterways go L & R to either coast, rather than slowly being cleaned in a River of Grass down the middle? Wasn't that God's Plan? Flamingo, at the bottom of FL, has thus being deprived of replacement silt. That's what was done to Louisiana,
by channelizing the Mississippi. Is Jeb ignoring the basic Intelligent design? Now he's going to allow mining? FL is all solid old coral reef, isn't it? Honeycombed and porous, which is why all the sinkholes and springs? Jeb will also allow a barrier shoal to be destroyed because developers need the sand? No moral scandal? Rush let off, while a car-accident victim is in jail for 15 years because he was judged to have too many pain pills. How many people in jail in FL per capita? And highest spending per capita on schools? Inner city Chicago schools are like that too. How much for administration, busses, testing?

posted by news2notice  # 12:07 PM
Re: China vs.Vatican, bet on Pope, writes steve gushee in the Palm Beach Post

This pope offered to break diplomatic relations with Taiwan in order to have more influence on mainland China? He wants a role “in the promising future of China”?

Isn’t that what Nixon-Kissinger did?
Taiwan had been in the UN since the beginning, but we had them kicked out and China put in.

What happens if China does to Taiwan what they did to Tibet? Double standards all around, again? Let’s hear over and over what “monsters” Saddam and Castro are, as kowtow to the Chinese Communists.

Also, did you read "the New Yorker" magazine article about this pope truly sympathizing with the Nazis? It was all the
awful things done to them after WWI that made them do it?

posted by news2notice  # 10:10 AM

Sunday, May 21, 2006

“(General Hayden) ran the National Security Agency when it failed to detect the 9/11 plot” said an editorial in the PalmBeachPost, 5-18-06.

Hayden is also a general in the Air Force, which couldn’t seem to get up in the air on 9-11.

Now he wants to “restore the CIA’s proud culture of risk-taking...”. Like when it helped destabilize Iran in 1953, to put a Monarch in control? The CIA was proud of keeping the Shah in power 24 years?

And of kicking the Soviets out of Afghanistan, mortally wounded? For 8 years, the CIA used $2 Billion of our money, plus matching funds from the Saudis, to arm and train 300,000 Mujahideen.

That’s how a “nation under God” subverted its foreign policy for 50 years? Outsourced it to secret services, which hired thugs like Gulbuddin Hekmatyar as subcontractors? And we sink deeper and deeper into the “quicksand of violence”, as Martin Luther King called it.

General Hayden says “the CIA needs to get out of the news...”. Out of the light, back to the bowels of Congress where “them that has the gold rules”? George Crile said that’s on a wall down there.(Charlie Wilson’s War)

Or is it time for a “new birth of faith”, to take inspiration from Lincoln? That our elected representatives can do their own foreign policy, straight up, face to face, out in public? Or has “government of the people, by the people, and for the people” already been privatized to the Military Industrial Complex?

posted by news2notice  # 8:36 PM
http://mediamatters.org/, a blog recommended by Molly Ivins, had this today:

Summary: On Fox News' Special Report, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer claimed that after The New York Times first publicly disclosed the National Security Agency's (NSA) warrantless domestic surveillance program, "we learned about the NSA listening in on Al Qaeda calling the U.S."

But on Sept. 11, 2001, only hours after Al Qaeda’s hijackers struck, Senator Orrin Hatch told the Associated Press about a briefing he had just received from intelligence officials. An Al Qaeda operative had been overheard talking with his handler, according to Senator Hatch, who also blabbed to ABC News.
“They have an intercept of some information that includes people associated with [Osama] bin Laden who acknowledged a couple of targets were hit,” said the voluble Utah Republican, who mentioned that he had heard about the phone intercept from the C.I.A. and the F.B.I. Administration officials were displeased by the Senator’s outburst, but nobody tried to prosecute him or lift his security clearances.
The following year, Senator Richard Shelby evidently told reporters for CNN and Fox News Channel about two messages in Arabic that had been intercepted by the N.S.A. on Sept. 10, 2001. (“The match is about to begin,” said one; “Tomorrow is zero hour,” said the other; but neither was translated until Sept. 12.) A desultory investigation by the F.B.I. ended without the issuance of any subpoenas, and the bureau referred its findings to the Senate Ethics Committee, which dropped the matter without taking any action against the Alabama Republican.
While both Senators denied revealing any classified information, each of them evidently did so. If Al Qaeda’s leaders realized that the N.S.A. was monitoring their communications, the damage was likely done years ago by those Senatorial disclosures—and not by last December’s newspaper reports. (Joe Conasan in the New York Observer, 5-1-06)

posted by news2notice  # 12:19 PM

Friday, May 19, 2006

“(General Hayden) ran the National Security Agency when it failed to detect the 9/11 plot”... The NSA under (him) intercepted Al-Queda phone calls in Afghanistan on Sept.10, 2001, that said, among other things, “Tomorrow is zero hour”. But because of the sheer volume of information intercepted, the messages didn’t get translated until Sept.12.” . says an editorial in the PalmBeachPost, 5-18-06.

For almost 5 years, he’s been collecting even more data, more secretly, and still no Osama. So let’s promote him?

http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/02_11_02_lucy.html has a very long timeline of events, the NSA, CIA, DIA, etc., should have done something about.

All of these secret agencies were supposed to protect us by whatever means possible. They’ve had their chance, and they blew it, big time. If Repubs hate Big Govt and Bureaucracy, here’s their chance. Let’s have a new birth of faith in straight-up diplomatic relations with everyone, thru our state dept.

Govt. by the people doesn’t mean 4 members of the Intelligence committees being the only ones who know what our “Special Forces” are doing. Or that “The Decider” can classify any document he wants to.

posted by news2notice  # 12:37 PM

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

“...plowed into...the Pentagon at 9:38 am, shortly after two other hijacked airlines were flown into the twin towers....”(AP) SHORTLY? 35 minutes is not SHORTLY. It took a fighter jet only 19 minutes to reach golfer Payne Stewart’s airplane, writes William Thomas, in Jim Marrs’ book, Inside Job.

He also informs us: “between Sept. 2000 and June 2001, the Pentagon launched fighters on 67 occasions to escort wayward aircraft. He cites: FAA news release 8/9/02; AP 8/13/02.

And is it true that when any plane’s transponder goes off, it triggers an automatic alarm in the Pentagon basement? The National Military Command Center would also have seen all the planes on radar, going off their routes?

“In the most heavily armed nation on Earth, at least two dozen air force installations were within fast flying time of the WTC and Pentagon”, William Thomas continues.

A gas station, a Sheraton hotel, and a highway dept., all had surveillance videos running when the nearby Pentagon was hit. The F.B.I confiscated them so quick, says the “Loose Change” DVD on Google http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8260059923762628848

That DVD also shows the hole in the Pentagon, with the grass in front untouched, and windows on either side unbroken. Did the titanium-steel alloy engines fold up like arms, to get thru that little hole?

There’s also seismographic evidence at Columbia University, writes Jim Marrs. The 1993 bombing did not even register. But on 9-11, twice it registered over 2, with big spikes before the buildings came down. We pay all this money for a Department of Defense, and all we get is a parking lot tape?

posted by news2notice  # 1:27 PM

Sunday, May 14, 2006

After reading Coral Davenport in the PalmBeachPost,5-14-06:

Our government now subsidizes ethanol from corn, 51 cents a gallon? To make it from sugar cane would need a subsidy of $1 to $2 a gallon?

This would be good for America? Paying to grow crops that are in the wrong climate or so hybridized as to need tons of chemicals is “Intelligent Design”? Everyone can recognize a Welfare Mother, but ever more farm subsidies seems to mean fewer and fewer family farms. And way more pollution, floods, and ugliness.

And waste. Flaming methane coming out of a landfill can turn turbines. Garbage incinerators also make energy. Willie Nelson has a car that runs on waste cooking oil? How many others? Are they subsidized? Solar? Some locations could do it year round if we had the Will. Which is what makes us different from chimpanzees, right? Or is it a soul? Which means we should care about the effect of all our actions on God’s other creations.

posted by news2notice  # 9:23 AM

Thursday, May 11, 2006

William Thomas claims there’s a command center in the basement of the Pentagon where a radar alarm immediately goes off when any airplane’s transponder stops transmitting. (p.146, Inside Job, by Jim Marrs

He gives the example of golfer Payne Stewart’s Learjet having an F-16 arrive within 19 minutes. “With more than 4,500 aircraft continuously sharing U.S. airspace, the Pentagon launched fighters on 67 occasions between September of 2000 and June of 2001, to escort wayward aircraft”, Mr. Thomas claims further.

On 9-11, the first plane’s transponder was turned off at 8:20 am, so there was 25 minutes before it struck? “In the most heavily armed nation on Earth, at least two dozen air force installations were within fast flying time of the WTC...” William Thomas again, in the Jim Marrs’ book.

The acting head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in the Pentagon on 9-11, was promoted. His 37-year old niece is going to be head of Immigration? Rumsfeld still controls 80% of the Intelligence Budget. He wanted to invade Iraq right after 9-11? And now he likes Newt’s plan for A LONG WAR, and wants like his own SS. Osama, Zarqawi, etc. all have obligingly turned up with threats, to get us really scared again.

Better to be reminded rather than informed: George Will really believes that? Abe Lincoln called for “a new birth of freedom” after Gettysburg. Bush seems to call for war after war. Flight 93 widow Kristin Breitweiser was on Chris Matthews after the Moussaoui trial, asking for information. She doesn’t need a reminder. Ditto

posted by news2notice  # 6:24 AM

Monday, May 08, 2006

Dan Moffet, PalmBeachPost, 4-23, tells us the 37-year-old-niece of General Richard Myers is going to "oversee
about 20,000 federal employees and manage a $4,000,000,000,000.00 budget."

posted by news2notice  # 8:03 AM

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Most health ins. companies are spending more on actual medical care now; up from 77.9 to 79.4 cents of every $, if understand Paul Krugman. Medicare spends 98% of its money on actual health care, he says.

Medicare doesn’t have to market its product or screen out bad prospects. So Medicare for all makes sense.

Dr. Benjamin Brewer, Wall St. Journal, wouldn’t have the expenses of dealing with 301 different private insurance plans, he say, if Medicare for were for all. (PalmBeach Post, 5-3-06

posted by news2notice  # 7:29 PM
(PalmBeachPost, 5-5-06) A Brit took over NATO and American troops under a unified command in Afghanistan. What would Ronald Reagan say about Americans being subject to a foreign commander? And the most vicious warlord, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar (see index of book, "Charlie Wilson's War", by George Crile) will be helping out Al-Qaeda. Scary.

posted by news2notice  # 10:53 AM
(PalmBeachPost, 5-5-06) A Brit took over NATO and American troops under a unified command in Afghanistan. What would Ronald Reagan say about Americans being subject to a foreign commander? And the most vicious warlord, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar (see index of book, "Charlie Wilson's War", by George Crile) will be helping out Al-Qaeda. Scary.

posted by news2notice  # 10:43 AM

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Sure, Joe Crankshaft; the Mexicans can just walz right over. They’re on the same continent. Our ancestors had to get on a ship and sail across an ocean. Weren’t the Spanish first, or why is Columbus Day one of our holidays? It’s almost as sacrosant as the Star-Spangled Banner; something we won’t give up because it’s been around so long.

An anthem on the other hand, should be truly sacred, like a psalm or hymn? But you’re proud of new words set to an old British drinking song? And call it “misappropriation” when illegal immigrants do the same thing?

Writing that we just “crowded out” the native peoples is putting a real spin on it. Watch the History channel, or read Smithsonian Magazine. Are they still considered separate nations, or do they have citizenship now? Tell us more about that, please.

Fighting for freedom; how often have we heard that? But slavery was in our Constitution from the beginning, and selling the offspring and shipping them west was later a lucrative business, till 1864. Then, one lynching a day on average? Till after WWII?

Even the War of 1812 was also about us trying to “walz into what is now Canada. Like we “walzed” thru the Cumberland Gap first, and later into Texas. Which was Mexican territory then, as was California, Arizona, NM, Colorado, and Nevada. Then another "takeover". Later the Hawaiin islands. And "makeovers" in 40 different countries? How many immigrants are here, because we wreaked havoc in their homelands?

The Great Wall of China can be seen from space, and even that didn’t keep out the Mongol hordes. The White men will keep coming, as many as stars in the sky, someone told the Native “Americans”. Now the “nation under God”, is seeing the effect of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

posted by news2notice  # 8:12 AM


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